How to grow your newsletter in 2024

What does 2024 mean for your newsletter?

That’s an easy question to gloss over, so take a minute to think about it.

This year, thousands of newsletters will either fade into obscurity, pivot to a different topic, or shut down altogether.

Not yours though. As a Creator Glue subscriber, you’ve raised your hand to say you’re one of the few newsletter operators focused on a great experience for your readers.

Quality will win in 2024

In 2023, newsletters became the fashion of the day.

Acquisitions of newsletters like Morning Brew in 2020 for $75 million and The Hustle for $27 million in 2021, combined with a growing awareness that social platforms can make or break your business with one small algorithm change, compelled thousands of creators to build their email list.

That growth will only continue in 2024. So let’s take a look at three things you can do to find success for your newsletter.

1. Treat your newsletter like a product.

Just because your list is free to join doesn’t mean you should treat it like a free thing.

Caring for your newsletter like a product will set a precedent for any other products and services you release.

You can make your newsletter a quality product by:

  • Committing to a minimum of one issue a week.
  • Sharing quality, actionable information.
  • Using design to create a top notch reading experience.

2. Give your subscribers the best experience

Your subscribers are handing you an invitation to their increasingly noisy inbox. They won’t stick around if they don’t feel like you care.

“Research tells us it takes 12 positive experiences to make up for 1 negative experience. Elite brands provide about 22 positive experiences for each negative experience.”

– Jeannie Walters >

Take some time and dive deep into how you’re showing up for your subscribers. Go through your sign up flow, send previews to yourself before publishing, create a consistent look and feel, and look for any opportunity to hear from your readers.

Those are just a few ways you can start to create those 22 positive experiences.

3. Build up your network

You won’t get very far building on your own.

In the last few years we’ve seen newsletters change from something every individual grows to an asset others will recommend to their audiences with solutions like ConvertKit’s Creator Network.

Connecting with other creators is insightful, rewarding, and will accelerate your growth.

Don’t overlook the power of growing your network in 2024.

Your next steps

Write out your plans for 2024 if you haven’t already.

  • How is your newsletter going to stand out this year?
  • What can you improve to make your readers at least 1% happier?
  • Who can you network with this year and how will you do it?

If you want to share, I’d love to know the answers you have for those questions. Just hit reply and let me know.

Written by Kyle Adams

I work at ConvertKit helping top creators every day and bring what I know about growing your email list to Creator Glue every week.